Note: This is one of the original Facebook “history finds” posted in November 2011. Like the others, I plan to expand on this post in the future with more stories and information. In the meantime, I will add that I am somewhat fascinated by historical locations that are long gone. Many are overlooked if the original structures are gone. I feel differently. I still like to look at locations like this and imagine what was here 150 years ago.
This is the southwest corner of 4th and Cerre Streets in downtown St. Louis. In a house once located here, Ulysses S. Grant married Julia Dent on August 22, 1848. It’s now a parking lot for BB’s Jazz Blues & Soups (and a place where photo app filters can’t help much). The wedding had a bit of drama since the Grant family didn’t approve of the slavery, and well… the Dents owned slaves. As a result, Grant’s Grandfather refused to attend. Grant’s groomsmen contained two men he’d soon face in the Civil War, including James Longstreet, who was his best man.